Tempa Gyaltsen Zamlha was appointed as the Deputy Director of Tibet Policy Institute on 10 January 2024.
Tempa worked as environmental researcher at the Environment and Development Desk(EDD) of the Department of Information and International Relations since 2011, participating at numerous international enviornmental conferences and UN climate summits. He was promoted as the Head of the Environment and Development Desk in 2014. After the merger of EDD with Tibet Policy Institute, Tempa continued as the Head of EDD and also designated as Senior Fellow at TPI.
On 5 July 2021, Tempa was promoted as the Interim Deputy Director of Tibet Policy Institute. After returning from two year study leave (January 2022 to January 2023) at the Innsbruck University in Austria, he was appointed as the Deputy Director of TPI.
His research focuses on the socio-environmental impact of climate change on the Tibetan plateau and has written on a number of environmental issues including the increasing cases of natural disasters and garbage littering, and the various cases of mining across the Tibetan plateau.
Tempa Gyaltsen Zamlha is a member of the International Association for Tibetan Studies (IATS). He was also a member of the Association for Nepal Himalayan Studies (ANHS).
An aficionado on Environmental issues he has attended five United Nations Climate Change Summits and presented papers at various Universities across India and outside.
Research interest:
- Socio-environmental impact of climate change on the Tibetan plateau
- Patterns and effects of mining in Tibet
- Cases and causes of natural disasters and garbage littering