Conducting Research: A Virtual Workshop for Young Tibetan Scholars
Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with purpose
– Zora Neale Hurston
Conducting doctoral level research is a daunting task. From framing the research question to writing the first draft of the Thesis, these are endeavours that can seem intimidating to the newly ordained. Yet research itself can be a fulfilling experience, adding to or interpreting existing scholarship on the infinite arrays of inquiries that have needled the curiosity of human society.
The purpose of this Workshop is not to ‘teach’ or ‘profess’ how one should conduct their research but rather to engage in a discussion with established academicians who will serve as Research Mentors, that can expose one to different possibilities within and outside their respective disciplines in terms of research questions, methodologies, writing as well as the perpetual task set by a market driven industry – getting published in an academic journal.
The Workshop will be held on the 7th, 8th, 9th and 11th of September, 2020 from 3pm to 5pm ( IST). Pertaining to the ‘existing social conditions’ driven by the Covid – 19 pandemic, the medium of discussion will be virtual. The Research Mentors and the participants will be involved in a collaborative exercise that will allow the latter to potentially envision their research problematic through a fresh perspective, both conceptually and empirically, critically analyse the relevance of their projects and understand the writing process of a research paper from its first draft to finally being a published thesis. The primary structure of the Workshop will be based on multiple breakaway sessions between a Research Mentor and five to six participants into order to bring in a fruitful and intensive discussion. At the end of the Workshop, we envisage the participants to be able to perceptively rewrite their existing proposals, further complicate their questions and methodologies as well as widen the scope and application of their respective research.
Since the Workshop will be heavily based on intensive discussions and breakaway sessions, the number of participants will be limited. Any interested participant whose education qualification is above Masters degree are eligible to apply for the workshop.
To apply for the workshop, you are required to submit a one page resume (post high school), and a draft abstract of your potential research paper in the online Google form registration.
The deadline for applications is 26th August 2020.