MOSCOW: In November 2016, a round table was held in Moscow at the Institute of Oriental studies, Russian Academy of Sciences. The round table was jointly organized by the Russian academy of science and Tibet Culture & Information Center (Office of Tibet, Moscow)
At the time, delegates from Tibet policy institute, Mr Sherab Woser and Tenzin Tsultrim gave a detailed presentation on Culture and environment genocide in Tibet along with other scholars gave various presentations on Art, Religion and Human Rights which was a successful and well received roundtable discussion.
As a result of the roundtable conference held, the Russian academy of Science released a book “Tibetology & Buddhology on the Border of Science and Religion”. The articles are devoted to different issues of Buddhilogy, Buddhism in its interaction with education and science, history and culture of Tibet, Modern social and economic situation in there as well as to Tibet-Mongolia relations.
Dr Sergei Kuzmin presented the book and some copies of it to Honorary Representative of H.H. the Dalai Lama, Telo Tulku Rinpoche. Dr Sergei Kuzmin is author of “Hidden Tibet” which was originally published in Russian and translated in English by Library of Tibetan Works and Archives and now being translated into Tibetan. The next roundtable is planned to be held in Moscow in October of 2018.