“Countryside Campaign” in Nagchu Prefecture
May 20, 2015
The Regional Party Committee of Nagchu (Ch:Nagqu) launched an “ Intensive Countryside Campaign” on May 18, 2015, in Nyima County of Nagchu with the support of the Regional United Front and Propaganda Department. Nagchu Party Committee authorities announced that the aim of the campaign is to construct and promote socialist countryside, cultivate and practice the “core values” of socialism, instil patriotism and lay a common moral and ideological foundation for the masses. As part of the campaign, the authorities first stopped at monasteries and met monks and nuns in Dronyin Township of Nagchu when they “explained” the laws, rules and regulations of the CCP. They later met the villagers and distributed 2,000 copies of promotional materials, 300 brochures, 10,000 Yuan worth medicines and 2,500 Yuan worth of veterinary medicines.
Tibetan mother of two sets fire to herself outside government building
May 28, 2015
Tibetan sources claim that Sangye Tso set fire to herself on May 27 in a township in Chone (Chinese: Zhuoni) county, Kanlho (Chinese: Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture) in Gansu Province. She self-immolated outside a government building near the monastery of Tashi Choekhorling in Dorkok township. A Tibetan exile source said the building housed Party and government offices, including the local police station and were seen by local residents as symbols of injustice against Tibetans and the main offices that enforced the crackdown against protests in 2008.
The self-immolation, coincided with the important and holy Buddhist month of Saga Dawa during which the anniversary of the Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and death occur, and followed teachings by the head lama of the monastery in the township. Sangye Tso died after self-immolation and her body was taken away by police. These sources said that armed police also raided the homes of her family and detained some of her relatives.[Source]