Four members of a Taiwanese delegation talk on ‘Democratization and Social Movement in Taiwan’
Dharamshala, 07 September 2017: The Tibet Policy Institute hosted a talk on ‘Democratization and Social Movement in Taiwan’ by four members of a Taiwanese delegation who are currently visiting Dharamshala. Mr. Thubten Samphel, Director of the Tibet Policy Institute welcomed the panel of speakers and stressed on the importance of understanding the vibrant democratic system in Taiwan. Mr. Tashi Tsering, Chairperson of the Human Rights Network for Tibet and Taiwan introduced the members of panelists. He also spoke about the status of Tibetans in Taiwan and the recent governmental reforms and developments evolving the status of Tibetan people in Taiwan.
Ms. Wu Jiazhen, Vice Chair of the Taiwan Association for Human Rights spoke about the evolution of democracy in Taiwan and narrates the long history of Taiwanese struggle for human rights and democracy. Ms. Liu Ying-Chun stressed on the parliamentary reforms and measures in enhancing greater freedom and rights for the people. Ms. Lin Hsinyi, Executive Director of Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty spoke about the annaul activities on Tibet in Taiwan under the banner of Human Rights Network for Tibet and Taiwan. She stressed that it is not a Tibet support group but consider it stands for human rights in Tibet and Taiwan.
The Human Righs Networks for Tibet and Taiwan was established in 2016 and was registered in 2017.
The talk was held in Nyatri hall, Gangchen Kyishong and was well attended.