The ongoing visit of the Dalai Lama to Arunachal Pradesh, his seventh, has evoked strong reactions from Beijing. Arunachal Pradesh is a part of India, and New Delhi has never prevented the country’s “longest staying guest”, as the Dalai Lama describes himself, from visiting any part of its territory. Tawang, which he is visiting for the fifth time, is home to the world’s second largest Tibetan Buddhist monastery after the Potala Palace in Lhasa. As the spiritual leader of the community, the Dalai Lama has every right to visit and preach at Tawang. New Delhi could not have stopped the visit, as Beijing appears to suggest it should have done. Suggesting that New Delhi staged this visit in order to use the “Dalai Lama card” against China, gives little credit to his intelligence and wisdom, and the evolution of his own position on Tibet and China over the decades of his exile.[Source]