The Tibet Policy Institute is hosting the 5th Young Tibetan Research Scholars’ Conference from 22-24 August 2019. The Registration call upon young Tibetan research scholars pursuing Ph.D. and M.Phil. Program, affiliated to universities in India and abroad, and research fellows of various research institutions to present their research papers.
This year, the conference will be an academic exploration on the theme of Sixty Years of China’s Occupation of Tibet and Tibetans in Exile. We invite Tibetan scholars early in their academic career to submit and present papers related to the theme. This is a slight departure from the theme of our earlier conferences, although we continue provide platform for Tibetan scholars to articulate and explore on part of broader theme of our earlier conferences — challenges and opportunities. Your participation is valued and indispensable.
Inside Tibet:
1) Leadership and governance in Tibet
2) Infrastructure development in Tibet and its implications
3) Tibetan Environment
4) Culture and Language
5) Social, Political and Economic study on Tibet
6) BRI and Tibet
7) Modern Tibetan History
In Exile:
1) CTA and Governance
2) Culture and Education
3) Socio-Economic sustenance
4) Tibet Movement/Support/International Engagement
Guideline for paper submission
Abstract Paper:
Full paper: